About Solution

Amanes farm is an organic farm established with the aim of reducing the harms caused by the inorganic farm products by producing fresh organic products. We also increase the ease of consumers to access fresh farm produce within a short period of time.

How does it work?

We don't need any retailer or a third party to help in the distribution of our products, we have stores at some particular area which we call check points. The fresh farm products are taken there and we use the place as our 1 or 2 day store for the fresh farm products.

After the order is made through our website or mobile app, the person who will distribute to the consumer( we call them rands) receives the order and delivers it to the consumer. The delivery process will take nothing more than 20mins. And the delivery box used by the rand is designed in such away that the food is secured from any form of organism or infection.

And our foods are also secured in the store too because the store house is built in such a way that organisms cannot penetrate through it neither could they infest the food.

When a food product in our store have used 3 days, we no longer consider them as fresh, so we take them to some food industries for processing and also generate funds.

Our online delivery package is cost friendly.

We also partner with other farming organization and help tgem in selling some of their products.



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