Automated Shrimp Hatchery

About Solution

Shrimp hatchery farmers in less developed countries can sustainably increase their production and improve the quality of their shrimp postlarvae through the use of "Automated Shrimp Hatchery", developed by Algaeba.

Without human interference, the best practice commonly found in developed countries can be deployed through our Artificial Intelligent and Automation System. With the "Automated Shrimp Hatchery" technology, farmers can have higher quality postlarvae, higher survival rate, and expand the capacity easily.

With the advanced technology, we then equipped with our business model of franchising. The new owner can operate and sell the postlarvae without hassle because Algaeba will research, develop, and advance the technology and engineering so the owner doesn't have to. 

With "Automated Shrimp Hatchery" as the beginning, the same core technology can apply to "Clam", "Oyster", "Crab" and other marine or freshwater creatures, that are sophisticated to cultivate. We can then produce the seed for aquaculture sustainably with our advanced technology.



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