About Solution

Problem:lack of smart feeding mechanism in Bunyala Fish cages has led to low output for fish cage farmers, and also inaccurate feeding by individuals.

The problem exists because most of the fish farmers and fishermen are more use traditional and not improved fish farming mechanism that is now not sparing small fish, hence catching everything in water, they lack the education on better fishing methods and need to be controlled on how to fish for sustainable way.

And due to increase of cage farming along the Lake Victoria there is need of machine to do feeding for the increasing no of cages

Solution: We have developed Busmart cage fish feeder, it’s an automatic fish feeder for all types of fish. This tool can not only provide feed scheduled, with a dose efficient, and automatic, but also record every feed in real-time. Fish feeding traditionally eats up between 50-80% of all overhead costs in fish farming Overfeeding negatively impacts the environment in many ways, with fish food ultimately going to waste. It also harms the health of a farmer’s stock. Conversely underfeeding has obvious negative impacts on stock. Busmart seeks to provide a solution to the occurrence of either.



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