Cashew nuts for Climate Action

About Solution

Cashew nut trees are multipurpose vehicle trees that are ever green. This type of crop tree does(grows) well in drought resistant areas, due to its nature, it grows well with minimum rainfall. The canopy grows big and the size of leaves also grows very broad and big that makes the canopy to occupy a reasonable surface area.

This crop tree is the number one cash crop that is very expensive on the world market trends and its capacity in the formation of rainfall is certainly high as by the current search.

Its rate of water uptake from the ground is extremely very low and due to its culture of shading leaves, it plays a big role in water retention and adding ferility, hence increasing and or maintaining the water table levels for the given area.

This crop is a high value level crop as it fatches a lot of income to the farmers and increases the GDP of the country just from the products. Cashew nuts has a number of bi products that include; Aple for eating, Milk from aples, oil for anointing and cooking, wine for taking, nut for eating, leaves for fodder, roots and stem wood for medicine, spirit from the nuts, fruids for planes lubricant among others.

This project is to be adopted as a culture to all households to plant at least 10 plants on a small scale while people with big land areas are encouraged to grow cashew nut on large scale for income generations but more importantly for Climate change mitigation measure.

This project has been proved and evidence-based in the Northern Uganda and now expanded to tge whole cattke corridor region of Uganda where it has been planted, there is a strong change in rainfall regime. It has totally changed from receiving rainfall one season a year to two complete seasons a year which has changed the lives of the people in just five years of piloting the same project. Hence turning from desert to a fertile ground that receive plenty of rain at the same time giving people on the grass root a wide range of opportunities.

Cashew nut growing for climate change mitigation measure is the way to go as well as generating income for household sustainability and good health of the people.



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