
About Solution

we make organic agri. products (fertilizers and pesticides) from an extraction of shrimp shells called chitosan, this raw material can be used in more than 240 applications through several industries like medical, phramaceutical, water treatment,agriculture..etc, our first but not the last penetrated market was agriculture, our agri. products are to replace chemicals with a higher efficiency and lower cost, giving farms an average yield growth of 44% compared with chemicals with an average ROI for the farm 7.3x if he compared the price of our products with the price of only extra yield he gets after using our products, through 2019 we have turned about 3000 acres from conventional (chemicals) to organic using our products and we are targeting this year a 10000 acres, it's totally organic and we wish to have products like all over the world instead of chemicals and it's cancerous effect.



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