Climate Smart Agriculture and Training

About Solution

Our Solution

Our solution seek to pilot Green climate adapt rural scheme in Busia district of Uganda, to improve rural smallholder farmer’s income through greenhouse farming  and seed grafting approach. The project shall involve establishment of  greenhouse structures and application of water-pad for soil-water conservation. The solution has the capacity to improve water productivity, yield, rural livelihood and ensuring all year-round production with less water, strengthening food security and dry season agriculture. The project shall entail training, target rural group especially women, youths and smallholder farmers in vegetable and seedling production using modern technology, which a comprehensive solution that shall benefit over 5000 vegetable farmers, women, Youths (20-35 age) especially girls, farmers forums in Uganda. Therefore our solution has the potential to contribute to sustainable development and agenda 2030 directly linking to SDGs 1,2, 3 and 13 on climate action. The project has possibility of using locally available materials with minimal effect on environment.


The approach builds on kaizen Japanese way to enhance improvement of farmers skills through training. The Green Climate adapt scheme has inclusive circle of processes thus; Planning, training and production, Sale and knowing market operating in holistic manner.  Therefore, the scheme shall support the farmers activities that start with planning, production, knowing market and sell. This shall be implemented through step by step guidance of Saerd Centre professional team. The scheme has inclusive gender equity and equality training package that pushes the concept of household as farm management and inclusion of youths in agriculture. Training shall be conducted within the scheme framework starting with target farmers, youths to help them encourage others. The marketing shall be done by the farmers among the group, which shall form production chain as sustainability aspect of the scheme.

Implementation strategy, Sustainability long-term plan through Micro Revolving fund

     The whole project shall involve three phases. All Project phases 1, 2 and 3 are to be implemented within 15 months beginning from July 2019 to September 2020. Following completion of  first target group, we shall initiate the production chain to have common production pool. The first season economic production analysis report in April 2019 will give the light on the PAY BACK potential (PBP) of investment and ability of the project to start micro revolving fund (to start self-sustaining micro credit revolving fund). After the 15 months and basing on economic analysis on production in October 2019, revolving fund based on PAY BACK potential (PBP) from investment is possible. This can be used to start the revolving and increase the number of target group for second year. It’s also possible after 9th month the project can reach break-even period as seen in the figure 1 above. We can pay back the investment fund after 1st year and start the revolving fund in second year as part of long-term plan for project sustainability after initial investment

     However, in third year we propose to strengthen Self-sustaining support micro-credit revolving fund to support the target group in third, fourth and fifth year. Project targets production capacity of over 2000. tons of tomato and pepper annually, supply grafted seedlings to over 4000 smallholder farmers in Uganda and the region with 500 target group in production chain to enhance supply.



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