Climate Smart Farm

About Solution

This involves the design of an artificial intelligence smart farm that uses sensors to get data of required conditions for crop planted and providing a substitute artificially, without negative effect, for example in a region with poor sunshine, crops can be grow with the use of Grow light UV Ray which provide the needed sunlight for the crop artificially, also in a place where the temperature is high, the use of this sensors to take soil moisture readings, humidity, Soil PH and temperature plus water percentage and auto irrigating to avoid drought or loss of crops due to harsh weathers and auto stop irrigation when the required amount of moisture or water needed for the planted crop has been attained. Also detection of diseased or infected crops with the use of artificial intelligence to take an imageof a suspected infected crop and compare it to a saved image on it database to check if it's infected and what type of disease and alert a farmer hereby preventing spread of diseases by early detecting. Finally to be able to keep out pest and save lost caused by pests.



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