EASY Life for Displaced Populations

About Solution

This solution can provide an electronic, affordable, satifactory and yielding (EASY) life for displaced population through a website particularly established for displaced populations.

The proposed website has different channels covering general and professional education, health, nutrition, ect with free on-line resources covering all acpects of the life by providing affordable and quality online services that are essential to the safety and wellbeing of the displaced populations; has website will also privide a guide and aid to the general public donating or serving as volunteers to displaced populations. The language of this website is mainly in English, but it will also provide a function of online translations from English into other major languages. The website also provide an online forum allowing displaced poputions to interact with external communities.

Once the contruction of this website is completed, the name and functions of this website will be publizied through related international organizations and government agenceis so that displaced poputions can know about this website and seek and receive the quality services they want through this website.

Through an access and use of this website, displaced populations can have an electronic, affordable, satisfactory and yielding (EASY) life as long as they have a mobile phone or other similar portable equipments with access to the internet.



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