Eco-friendly adhesive manufacturer from tannery solid waste

About Solution

As its name indicates the project is Eco-frienfly adhesive manufacturing from tannery waste, As the project recycled the tannery solid waste which is taken to land fill waste collecting unit, it produce pungent smell to the environment due to the presence of sulfid, inaddition to this point while the waste accommodate every time, the waste exposed to variable temperature and some times during the rainfall of eratic rainfall the chemicals found within the waste wash away by surface runoff water, as a result these chemicals flew to the arable lands found around the tannery and this affect the fertility of soil and finally reduce the productivity of the land.

While the toxic chemicals flooded to the farm land grass land around the factory tannery used for grazing of Animals also affected highly, then after poisoned the grass and grazed by Animals it causes health risk. Now when I recycled using green technology into usable material i.e. Animal glue.

Animal glue is organic Adhesive uses for construction purpose and as sizing agent and refilling material to woodworkers and also as book binder. From the market demand aspect the product in africa the demand is satisfied via import, so working and strengthening such projects has multi-advantages in generating income and creating pollution free tanneries.

In general speaking, I am producing this Animal glue from waste of leather industry that has great importance in respect to enviroment, Economic, and job creation.

☞The raw material pollute environment if leave at the waste disposal area, but by recycling no environment pollution happened. As it is known leather industry is the most pollutant sector, since it used different chemicals to manufacture the leather, due to this huge amount of waste discharged at each level of leather processing. There fore, i am working to create safe environment around tanneries and the project initiate others how to extract wealth from waste, inaddition to this university student visit the project site as model for their thesis preparation.

☞Economic side this product is imported to our country now adays by manufacturing around our areas I saved foreign currency.

☞Jop creation

While this product is manufactured it needs man power for this I create job opportunity for un employed youths.



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