Eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags

About Solution

Through advocacy in the local communities and in Urban areas of Uganda we shall be educating people on the dangers of using plastic bags and packaging for consumables to the environment and the planet Earth.

Then if these paper products are made with low cost materials like reused paper and biodegradable foam, we can supply them to the communities for prices less than those of plastic packaging.

Through sensitisation and motivation we can reduce on the plastic footprint of Uganda in Africa and the world at large.

The main challenge is that these paper packages are still costly and shunned upon as something for the rich and middle income families which is not the case considering the fact that they are available on the market and in use but unaffordable to low income earners because they are imported from Kenya, South Africa, Europe etc..

Therefore if we made these packages in Uganda and supply them to the whole nation in wholesale shops, retail dealers, fast food restaurants and street snacks sellers at a friendly price to pack food and drinks for their customers, we would dramatically reduce on the need for plastic packaging.

Through talking to leaders and making them see the importance we would be able to reach out to all citizens of the country from a power point of strategic action..

There is also a need to provide dustbins to every homestead and garbage collection companies are still very few so providing that as well would be a positive archievement to the communities.



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