Energy produced from plastic waste

About Solution

Plastic waste is considered as a cause of global warming, which in turn leads to climate change. When plastic waste is collected in landfills it produces Methane gas due to heat. Methane is a hot gas and it is estimated by 25 times stronger than Carbon dixiode in climate change.
In addition, it produces gases and energy during the manufacturing process. About 90% of plastic used in our everyday life is disposable .
Steps; Collection of plastic waste
A study was conducted on the amount of plastic waste in the countries of the sample, results show about 80% produced from poor countries since people of those countries care for food and safe shelter. Hence, what about turning plastic into currency for those people ?how ?
That can be done by providing those countries with equipped shops with everything people need. The buyer uses plastic waste he/she collects and exchange it for food or anything from the shop, it is like replacing money with plastic waste. This helps to get rid of plastic waste and solve the problem of unemployment and poverty for young people.
Energy produced from plastic
Plastic waste is put into ovens to be burnt. These ovens are supplied with thermal cells which turn thermal energy, resulted from burning plastic into electricity. Ovens are equipped with filters for smoke, while ash left is buried in the ocean bottom so it is considered secure for humans and animals.
Fuel produced from plastic
Plastic is put in water heated from 400 c° to 800 c° it is called hydrogen breakdown
Plastic degradation bacteria
Create bacteria farms where bacteria is fed on plastic instead of carbon. Thus, bacteria develops itself to adapt with the new food, that is how we get rid of plastic waste.



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