Energy Systems Solutions

About Solution

We plan to offer an alternative energy source to people living off-grid or those experiencing energy shortages in mainly rural Africa and some regions in Asia. Our team will ensure that those people lacking electricity can fully explore the benefit of light and electricity which means: better education, better health, more saving and social development.

The Problem

Globally we have more than 1.2 Billions of people living without electricity and 600 millions of them live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Those people rely on conventional energy sources to fill their energy needs, They use wood for heating and cooking, kerosene lamps for lighting and as we know those energy sources are expensive, unhealthy for them and for the planet and surely are not sustainable.

Our Solution

We tackle the problem in two ways:

1. Electricity Access : We Provide solar kit to fix lighting and phone charging challenges

2. Financial Aspect : We offer a payment model called : Rent to Own model to lift the burden related to people’s cash flow and we simplify the payment mode by allowing them to use a mobile payment system that is widely spread in Africa; Mobile Money.

Our Services

Our company offers low-cost off-grid energy solution that leverages on ground-breaking innovative technologies and a unique financing and operational model and is targeted at the poor and the bottom of the pyramid segment.



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