Establishment of green belts

About Solution

With increasing population and competition, changes in global technology, increasing atmospheric carbon pressure due to emission of greenhouse gas our responsibility as the environmental managers have become all the most important.

Climatic change, most importantly global warming is a function of the greenhouse effect due to lack of sync of carbon gas and the plant's rate of respiration. The establishment of the green belts, aforestation is the primary action required to cleanse the atmosphere, mitigating claim!te change. This could be a huge project of the tree planting

A concerted effort through government, community leaders and the general communities could make this solution works by devising a way of rewarding performance at all levels.

Intensive and extensive orientation and mobilization of the resources lie in the hands of the community after the projects must have been initiated and planned.

Monitoring and control of the project shall be the sole responsibility of the sponsor and the project manager.

The project will, therefore, be decomposed into deliverables and each completed and close after the quality assured.

These projects are grouped into programs over the identified areas of green belts



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