Farm to Fork - Building Sustainable Supply Chains

About Solution

Farm to fork initiative will work towards building sustainable supply chains for the rural communities by ensuring that farmers use better and improved ways of harvesting their produce, processing, storage, packaging and making their sales. The ultimate goal being to preserve quality of produce and reduce food losses along the chain. 30% of farmer's harvest is being lost along the chain and also quality deteriorates and farmers end up fetching poor prices for their commodities. My solution will come in to bridge the gap by building a self sustainable community distribution channel with well advanced harvest technology, storage and processing capacity which will assist farmers in preserving their harvest. Harnessing the power of the sun, refrigerated store rooms can be erected in a community to store perishables and movable granaries for cereal crops will be used, and this will cut the distribution costs for traveling longer distance to deliver produce and also reduces too much food handling. Coupled with an online market, Farm to Fork will make visible to the outside communities the availability of quality produce and be able to broker between farmers and customers and retailers. Farm to form will endeavor also to have its own refrigerated trucks and cereal carriers for bulky transportation of produce to customers and retailers alike. In return farm to fork will be creating employment for the local communities especially the women and youth and the initiative will see the provision of health and educational facilities for the local communities to help pass on knowledge to the younger generation on better and smart farming technology on the market. Farm to fork will work with different local and export markets to broker lucrative deals for contract farming with guaranteed streams of finance for sustainable production. The initiative will also work closely with the local government to get access to agriculture officers who can provide knowledge on soils, environment and climate for the regions recruited. A certain percentage of returns from the sell of produce will be retained as a maintenance fee for ensuring continuity and sustainability of the distribution channel, fleet, storage rooms, and power alike.



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