
About Solution

Due to climate change effects, food production has been compromised thereby rendering many communities poorer. Alternative food production which is climatic resilient is the way forward. Since food scarcity and be a source of conflict, enhancing adequate production can foster peace and improve people's lives. Sustainable livelihoods that are environmentally friendly is the solution we are providing.

In this part of the world, disaster hazards such as floods, droughts and other harsh climatic conditions have destroyed many people's livelihoods and compromised their security and dignity. We shall be producing non-traditional foods that are adaptive to current climatic conditions such as fish farming, village chicken rearing, small ruminant animals and changing of people's mindsets through education.

Fish farming will not only provide livelihoods but improve nutrition to many poverty-stricken people in rural and per-urban communities. The loss of traditional foods has brought a challenge of malnutrition and many people are suffering from diseases that occur as a result of that. The youthful population in our nation is available labor that can take up livestock farming as a career, therefore our solution can solve the problem of unemployment.

We have plenty of fertile and arable land and massive forests that can be used to produce more food. The challenge has been start-up capital and lack of resources to add value to raw materials to release much profit and compete with foreign investors with huge capitals that suffocate local small businesses. We can partner with local people so that they surrender land on lease or buying, then produce enough livestock for local market and export.

There is already a ready market for goats in Saudi Arabia, ready market for chickens in the Democratic Republic of Congo and ready market for other livestock within the country since most foodstuffs come from outside the country. We have a team of hardworking and men and women of integrity who can execute the project to acceptable standards. I have sent a Certificate of registration of the organization whose objective is to promote justice and peace through food production and mitigation of climate change effects.



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