Global Digital Entreprenuership

About Solution

Our solution Global Digital Entreprenuership provides a sustainable, stable and efficient foreign income base for agricultural farmers, local manufacturers and service providers. It encourages further growth, productivity, business continuation, development and promotion of gender based multi-faceted skills in society especially women in general. Ultimately it opens up space for multi-racial trade intergration, limits cultural barriers to global trade and development in line with world economic forum standards and forecasting. Further more African third world countries are capable of producing world class, standard, quality products and services but have limited access to key centre stage markets in first world countries hence our solution addresses this negative imbalance and decifit in balance of trade. A lot more African manufacturers, service providers, local smes and startups at grassroots level lack financial support, skills training, sales development aptitude and management. Our solution offers a holistic approach in business plan development, implementation, naturing and consistent realistic growth achievement for African community based projects, smes and local startups. Key to the success and development of African community based projects, smes and local startups is building strategic export target markets to encourage foreign currency income generation, ensure steady sustainable growth and an active stimulation of skills development. Therefore our solution Global Digital Entreprenuership which is a combination of digital web based marketing, planned physical direct marketing campaigns, active utilisation of business applications and platforms such as Sasai, B2B Export, Brownies amongst others guarantees success in addressing the Challenge Innovative for Inclusive Trade. Our main goal is achieving realistic, tangeable progress in poverty reduction, foreign income generation, women empowerment and in-demand soft skills training in our local communities.



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