Green Nomads

About Solution

Problem background: While endorsing local tourism through my blog, I understood that we are contributing a lot towards Climatic Hazard by enhancing our carbon footprint. And the worst part was majority locals were unaware of this fact. The current products and services used in the travelling industry are becoming hazardous to our environment, scenic beauty and heritage value raising alarms to UN SDG 13 14 and 15 respectively. It is essential to make people understand how their one purchasing decision can tip the balance. In order to make a suitable change in the purchasing habit of our community (Buying local and green products), we need to make the green products in an easy excess for our buyers. Problem Statement: Currently we have no such singular E-commerce platform solely selling the green environment-friendly product to the local society and travellers. Solution: As a community, Green Nomads (E-commerce platform) aims to change companies’ habits, other consumers’ opinions and tastes, and even public policy. Every purchase our customer will purchase wouldn’t just support an environment-friendly company; it will support a movement to turn our manufacturing system inside out. We focus on UN SDG 2020: 13-climatic action, 14-life below water and 15-life on land. The Green Nomads would not only provide local travels Eco-Friendly products for daily and travelling use, but the platform would act as an encyclopedia for foreign nomads to explore the cultural heritage and scenic beauty of this mother earth responsibly. We will be using an Application adopting VR tech to enhace the customer experience and we would even be providing them a virtual paid/free tours. We know change starts from the ground up, with businesses who are already working hard to do good. So we aim reached out to them–innovators and designers finding better options for everyday problems.



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