
About Solution

HealthyFarm is an agriculture value chain social enterprise based in Danang, Vietnam. Initiated in 2016 through the simple and vital need for access to clean food in Vietnam and for increased transparency. HealthyFarm has grown into a recognized, trusted brand and supplier of naturally grown, local and handmade produce/products in Central Vietnam. Currently, there are issues facing the entire value chain, from smallholder farmers struggling to make ends meet, families unaware of who to trust or unable to pay the high prices for certified food to hotels wanting to buy from local farmers but struggling due to the lack of professionalism and reliability.

We aim to tackle the entire value chain from supply to market to ensure quality standards and fair pricing for all. Our company’s mission is to support clean smallholder farmers with input materials, tools & training and connect them to the market via our own brand & outlets, and through large B2B off-takers. Through this model, we are able to stabilize farmers income and professionalize & consolidate an informal sector for large off-takers. This model also ensures at least increases the farmers' income by two-fold.

To ensure the quality of our food we provide farm inputs and support farmers when needed. Additionally, our stringent farm sourcing protocols, resembling a combination of EU, USDA & PGS certifications, ensure our new farms are not our hand-selected but also internally tested and out-sourced third-party lab testing tool.

Furthermore, to support the farmers sustainably we are focused on market demand first. We understand what our buyers are looking for and train/contract our smallholders to grow products, usually with a guaranteed off-take. If the farmer needs support, inputs or training for a particular crop our team helps with this and also experiments with "cash-crops" to bring the farmers more income, including herbs.

Since, we are equipping farmers in rural areas across Vietnam with the materials, skills, and buyers they grow clean, natural food. For this reason, we first encourage all of our partner farmers to eat the food themselves and feed their families before sellingto increase rural nutrition and eliminate hunger.

To date, HealthyFarm TM has achieved:

  • 17 Farmers markets
  • 250 Farmers supported
  • 9 Provinces supported across Vietnam
  • 32 farmer groups supported
  • 11 tons of clean produce sold
  • 1,200 lives impacted
  • 54 total press features
  • 20,500 farmers market visitors
  • 10 B2B clients



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