Hybrid Solar Renewable Energy Production

About Solution

The first Hybrid Photovoltaic Plant in Europe, that combines photovoltaic panels with auxiliary generators to produce electricity, thus achieving a productivity of 8760h / year, irrespective of solar radiation.

Using auxiliary generators, the number of photovoltaic panels and inverters used, the required area for the construction and the value of the investment is significantly reduced, compared to an ordinary photovoltaic parc with the same production capacity. Considering the EU Directives, the Government Emergency Ordinance 24/2017 on the production of electricity from renewable sources and the reduction of the environmental pollution by CO2, such as HGR nr. 766/1997, Anex 3 "Regulation regarding the determination of the category of importance of constructions, works for the realization of SES 0.4kV-20kV, the hybrid photovoltaic plant falls into the global category (art.4.a) as a construct of hight importance C .6). The aim of this objective is to provide an adequate additional source of electricity, without the environmental pollution in accordance with the requirements of the new investment, and to obtain a profit from the utilization of the produced electricity.

The proposal to build a photovoltaic power plant on this land surface is also motivated by factors that will ultimately add revenue to the local budget, create new jobs, attract private capital, increase health and comfort by lowering emissions CO2 from air (f = CO2 emission factor (0,31452 kg CO2/kW/h) with 7,715 to / year.

Reasonable management of current energy needs, without affecting future generations to meet their own needs, is one of the fundamental principles of sustainable development.

The need to implement this project is also due to the national and European aspirations for the use of renewable energies as high as possible in order to produce electricity.

Thus, besides a lesser environmental impact by conserving such renewable energies, non-renewable or low-regenerative energy materials (coal, raw wood material) are preserved which, as fuel, can create an ecological imbalance through gas combustion resulting from combustion and the disappearance of forest areas.



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