Hydroponics and aquaponics system

About Solution

Hydroponics is a system of agriculture which doesn't require soil for planting, it is practiced in a green house. It require less land space ratio to the amount of food produced, it optimizes resources use, that is, it requires 90% less water. It can be practiced in any part of the world, because all resources needed e.g light, water, nutrients and conditions for crop growths are in total control, that is any weather condition of a place or country can be simulated so as to produce foods of other countries.

Aquaponics is also a kind of the system described above, it operates using the integration of crops and aquaculture, fish production. Effluents from fish waste water discharge serves as source of water containing rich organic fertilizer for plant growth and development. It also renews water, produce high yield, and produces organic products.



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