JobCopass JAPAN

About Solution

Our organization“WELgee”combines“Welcome" and“refugee” We work together with youth who are refugee applicants. In Japanese writing,the term“refugee”is written as“difficult people”. 10,000 people came and applied for refugee last year but only 42 were recognized.

Surely welcoming refugees need a big social effort. But at least people have started the discussions all aver the world.

Silence works no more even in Japan.

So we began from grassroots level.

Over 3 thousand people joined our motto“Not talk about refugees but talk with refugees”

We discover their individual talents and legally acquire a more stable VISA with private companies.

This opens doors to many people until the day their countries find peace and they can return back as next leaders bridging home and Japan.

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JobCopass is a business based on the concept of getting a ticket (Pass) for tomorrow together (Co) through Job. The biggest features of JobCopass are the following two points; Deep relationships with human resources and long-term accompaniment to companies and human resources that go beyond matching. The staff, who is the career coordinator, first builds a relationship of trust. After a period of one to two years, we will carefully select and recommend only those who can be evaluated based on personality, experience, and communication skills. In order to deal with human resources sincerely, we will spend time that cannot be compared with general recruitment agencies. JobCopass is more than just matching people with companies. We are focused on ensuring that matched people stay in the workplace. Therefore, one of the characteristics of our company is to carry out follow-ups for both human resources and accepting companies. As part of this, we are applying for a change in the status of residence of human resources after matching, and conducting training for host companies for intercultural collaboration.



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