Loans/Grant given and supervision

About Solution

When loans/grants are given to the rural farmers, it enhances large scale farming. It must be supervised cause this loans/grant can be hijacked. However, the supervision will encourage more seriousness on the farmer part.Provision of road, transport and buyers per season can create chains and less stress/ discouragement. Less of burdens on white collar jobs. Graduates and undergraduate will will see it as a good place to either start or invest. Because in this part of the world when you're a farmer you must be poor. Fields of farming will be encouraged. Finally food will be in circulation and inflation will reduce. Farming will be a thing of fun, investment and fulfillment. Food fair should be invented at least twice a year.where people will come including foreigners to either invest on or export goods. A trial will convince you if I'm given the opportunity to anchor it. I grew up in the village, partook of the suffering and frustration.

In conclusion, empower the farmers, supervise them, create road and transportation for them. Finally, initiate a food fair or festival for investment/export at least twice a year in different parts of the geopolitical zone. Thereby making farming to be an investment platform, tourism, and a great means of livelihood.



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