Multi-Source Hybrid Clean Energy System (MHCES)

About Solution

The Pain points that we intend to solve are:

High electricity cost,Poor power quality,Poor reliability (Lots of Power Cuts leading to monetary loss and sometimes loss of life),No Access to power in remote locations (due to terrains or natural hurdles),High cost of power storage andPolluting Sources of Power (like Thermal, Nuclear, etc.)


Our Product is a hybrid rooftop wind and solar energy system to provide Direct access to clean energy from multiple sources making it reliable and using AI-based application to make it predictable.


Sustainable Development Goals of UNDP:

SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy (Direct Impact)

SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities (Indirect Impact)

SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production (Indirect Impact)

SDG13: Climate Action (Indirect Impact)

SDG 15: Life on Land (Indirect Impact)

The Story Behind:

Being attached to nature from childhood, having seen a lack of electricity in my hometown village and the impact of life after access to electricity drove us to innovate in the field of Renewable energy, building new thing leading to making everyone’s life better.With the focus of the entire world being on reduction of carbon footprint and the global shift towards renewable energy is what makes it perfect timing for our start-up to grow, which also aligns with the Sustainable development goals of UNDP as well as that of the Government of India.Renewable energy is the need of the hour and our belief is that decentralizing the generation of power will be key to increasing access to renewable energy for all. Our product is a testament to this belief.



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