Onoscity Integrated Farming Company

About Solution

Fish farming is a form of aquaculture in which fish are raised in enclosures to be sold as food. It is the fastest growing area of animal food production. Today about half of the consumed globally fish are raised in these artificial environments.The idea is an act of rearing and processing of catfish for commercial purpose to address the issues of food crises in Nigeria and Africa in particular coupled with the plaguing effects of malnutrition, hunger, under-feeding, unemployment, poverty, that are connected with our inability to tap into the abundantly available resources at our disposal in order to solve these problems posing a challenge to sustainable living among our people. This is revolutionary causing a fundamental change in the way we distribute our agricultural products, by getting it into the hands of more Nigerians.Like most entrepreneurs, entered into fish farming business for profit, but the underlying benefits cannot be overemphasized, We are going to putting more fish into the system, thereby increasing the chance of more source of protein in the society at affordable rate to reduction of unemployment rate and increase in national income taxes are paid and wealth are distributed. And Our Solution will also bring industrialization which will lead to rural economy development in host community and more Jobs will be created which will be a source of Income and livelihood to many family.



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