Percious Plastics Egypt

About Solution

The solution offer a sustainable solution to the plastic crisis in Egypt,as Egypt and Turkey alone contribute with two third of plastic leakage to Mediterranean, with hundreds of communities clustered around the Nile with zero waste management system allowing the plastics to be transported by the Nile to the Mediterranean adding burden to the global problem, adding to this that most of these communities are struggling with unemployment and poor health conditions.

In response to that, we have collected 35 tons of plastic from the Nile with the help of 6000 volunteers efforts and worked on developing two products employing 15 workers over a scale of a year.

But this wasn't enough for us, we needed to scale bigger and offer a better value to our communities, So we developed The precious plastic machine, which is an open source machine that allow instant recycling of plastic collected to be transformed in products. We developed the machine in Egypt with the mission to offer employment to the local communities and create economic value for the plastic collected.

The first three machines are now working and designers are testing potential products to be produced. And we aim for is for the machines to be allocated in the communities and operated by our teams to offer the communities financial value, health care and basic education in return of the plastic collected, along with training unemployed youth on the machines and the products designed from waste. Offering sustainable solution to the plastic leakage, pollution and health hazards for the local communities along with supporting communities livelihood and well-being.



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