Plantation of trees and flowers can help in solution to climate change

About Solution

My solution address thie challenge in terms of plants and their effects in the atmosphere on humans and living organisms.With the help of plants,the air humans and animals breath will be clean and healthy,the plants are important gifts from God, they provide the oxygen to humans and humans provide the carbon dioxide,so they play a very important role in human Life.


In the desert, there is no plants,and it's not conducive for humans and animals,it's dried too because there is no water,the living organisms find desert as a no living area.


On the highway,the plants are very important to the drivers and other road users because the reduce the amount of sunlight that is supposed to concentrate on the screen or on people's faces and sights and they supply fresh air too.


Most of the the medicines,creams, soaps and other things humans use were manufactured from plants extracts, apart from that some plants are herbs that can be used naturally to cure sickness and diseases,some of these plants are; Aloe vera,Basil,Dandelion and so.


Plants purify the air we breathe, plants reduce the amount of toxins that were meant to affect humans,so we need plants in our environment for the global prosperity.Plants are very important to humans and animals and they play amazing role in climate change and they can help in terms of Global prosperity.



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