Project Ivy Reloaded

About Solution

A Farm Resort Enterprise is a cluster of medium-scale integrated smart eco farms which showcases different farm leisure activities that would encourage eating well, learning, fun, and entertainment Each node in the cluster is an integrated self sustaining smart-eco farm with resort capabilities dispersed across rural
urban areas Nodes are networked together hosting a hybrid cloud network which delivers amongst other IP related services an E-Commerce cloud Below are some other services offered by each node in the enterprise
Raising and harvesting low carb foods
Outdoor recreation, Indoor Amusement
Food Catering Services
Sports Lounge, Spa
Event center for hosting social events
Training Center for Vocational training/seminars
Farm market for sale of variety of farm produce
Farm Cottage Hostel for Guest Accommodation
Farm Resturant: For a delivery of delicious cuisine a la carte
Internet of Things (IoT) gateway
Hybrid cloud network that delivers an e-commerce platform, e-Library, Voice transmission , Live Video Streaming, High Speed Internet and a variety of other IP services At the very core of each enterprise node lies a hybrid cloud network modeled after a fog computing architecture that delivers foremost broadband Internet, an IoT gateway and Other related IP services (e-Commerce Cloud, Voice, Digital Video, using a high-Efficiency Wireless Hotspots (WIFI 6). A plethora of IoT devices are employed around the farm resort to monitor, control and maintain various implemented systems ensuring efficiency Augmented Intelligence (AI) is employed to ensures the quality of produce, analyzing trends and big data Each node in our Enterprise Cluster employs Business Intelligence (BI) tools to give us the competetive advantage required This solution addresses the challenge as
It creates a therapeutic environment with a serene ambience that is dedicated to delivering high-quality low carb foods at affordable prices in an urban environment.
It deploys the latest technologies in delivering an e-Commerce ecosystem
it provides an environment of learning, Fun and eating well within a community
It is a network of medium-scale integrated smart eco farms that offer high nutrient organic foods and leisure activities in a rural-urban setting
It embraces digitalization, a digital transformation process that as been prescribed as a solution to a variety of my country's (Nigeria) ills



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