Project Metis - Cooperative Learning

About Solution

Refugees who are forced to leave their countries because of war and injustice are often not welcomed in their country of refuge. Unfortunately, children and young people are the ones most affected by this situation.

By helping youngsters through a cooperative learning program – Project Metis
they will have the knowledge and confidence for the future. In order to create a peaceful future, we must pay attention to those youngsters in refugee camps.If they grow up with resentful feelings towards people who discriminate against them will cause greater social problems.Village institutions can provide social transformation for refugees.The education provided by these institutes utilized a secular, democratic and scientific curriculum with a student-centered pedagogy, which aimed to help participants realize their full human potential. The purpose of this program is to teach young people to be productive and to be role models in the society they live in.By doing this, they contribute to both themselves and economic development. This educational model has previously been tried in Turkey and yielded successful results in the years between 1940 to 1946.

Courses that will develop 21st-century skills such as STEM programs, agriculture, manufacturing, etc. can be added to the training centers already in the refugee camps, especially for children and young people. In this way, children can be raised as productive individuals and instead of feeling despaired they can feel well more adjusted to the future.This is especially important because if we let these children feel left out and worthless they will feel anger much more deeply and this will result more devastating situations. In addition to young education, we can also create vocationally training courses for adults in refugee camps.After getting the proper education in accordance with demand, refugees can be hired by different industries such as the Chinese economic model. Their cost of production is less than in other countries and that’s why many manufacturers choose to work with them. So with this program, we can create an alternative market for manufactures and money for the refugees as well.



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