Protection services for Venezuelan refugees in Colombia

About Solution

Our solution will help address the challenge vulnerable Venezuelan refugee children and families face in accessing protection services in Colombia. This will be accomplished through the provision of access to psychosocial support, protected and safe spaces to play and connect with families and friends, providing access to case management services, and supporting children and families though the family tracing and reunification process at Child and Family Protection Centers (CFPCs).

Case management services will include child protection case management, case management for survivors of trafficking and MHPSS case management. Social workers responsible for case management services are trained in child protection case management, psychosocial support, and ICBF (Colombia's ministry of child welfare) standards. Activities include providing case management services, identifying clear referral pathways and follow up monitoring, and creating support networks within already established local church and community entities.Bethany will also have connectivity points, where migrants are able to charge phones and access email, enabling them to maintain contact with family and friends. This service line is invaluable as a means for migrants to stay in contact with loved ones while separated and on the move.Each CFPC has a space for children and adolescents to engage in psychosocial support and recreational (sport, art, and cultural) activities while their caregivers are accessing other services at the center. Children and youth will have access to psychosocial support groups on a weekly basis.

Legal orientation will be provided by social workers to inform Venezuelan migrants of their legal rights, immigration pathways, risks of trafficking and exploitation, and ways to keep families safe during migration.

A central aspect of Bethany’s protection programming is facilitating access to community based mental health and psychosocial support activities. Bethany believes a community based MHPSS approach is the most effective way of helping refugees access services that can help them address any social and emotional distress resulting from displacement and associated traumatic and distressing events on their journey.



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