Reusing Serviceware

About Solution

Americans throw out 100MM pieces of disposable silverware each day. Schools dispose of 35MM Styrofoam trays each day
when stacked, one day’s worth of disposable trays amounts to a height of 15 Mt. Everests. Since only 10% of the plastic ever produced has been recycled, this level of plastic production, mostly diverted to landfills, is unsustainable.

Our solution is implemented through our “Hubs” which will, on a daily basis, deliver clean, sanitized, reusable food serviceware and pick up dirty serviceware after each use.

According to our calculations, when compared to durable options, products made of even recycled fiber cost twice as much, require four times more water, emit 2.5 times more carbon dioxide, and create 1270 times more trash.

This solution is just the first step to conquering all worldwide single use foodware. The hubs can be used for other purposes large events, cafeterias etc. Our simple solution would help to eliminate a significant amount of trash on a daily basis from landfills.



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