Safe clean water for rural habitats

About Solution

Global warming takes place in water bodies ,this causes algea bloom (which affect human health directly or indirectly) , flooding (which picks up and carry all kinds of contaminants including paints, solvents, pesticides, fertilizer, motor oil and many other toxic substance into sources)

Climate change is having a negative impact on our water supply, this problem leads to more issues and the overall degradation of our environment

According to WHO statistics over 70,000 children under the age of five die annually as a result of unclean water and over 85million Nigerian lack access to safe clean water

Also over 56% people drink their water directly from stream, river or other surface water

As water becomes a scarce resource we may need to treat this increasingly polluted water to make it usable

The solution is our AQUAMAX CERAMIC WATER FILTER ,made from locally sourced materials (clay, sawdust etc) ,and then soaked into silver solution which has the ability to kill germs on contact , leaving the water 99.9% free of germs,dirts and smell even safe enough for a day old child



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