About Solution

The rapid climate change in our world today is undeniably appalling and results from countless factors ranging from extinction of several species of trees to the alarming release of various hazardous greenhouse gases such as methane, CFC and more commonly, carbon dioxide. Our climate gets hotter and drier at a jaw-dropping speed and this may exacerbate droughts, heat waves and hamper agriculture, especially rain-fed agriculture which is threatened by acid rains.

The emission of theses gases isn't just harmful to the human body system but our environment as well, the ozone layer primarily, leading to high heat as well as an unwanted depletion of the ozone layer.

The goal of SOLARTREECITY is fundamentally to restore fresh air, which has turned a luxury, to the average society. This can be achieved by substituting the widely used petrol-powered generators for solar powered generators and panels as well as ambiguous TPPs (Tree Planting Projects) in school environments, markets, residential areas and more importantly close to industries to absorb as much gas as possible and increase the lifespan of our dear ozone layer and achieve a low-carbon and climate resilient planet overtime.

The world is in a race to limit climate change and find workable, practical and cost-efficient solutions to this emergency that is redefining global partnerships like never before.

SOLARTREECITY represents an important milestone in tackling the challenges climate change brings to the table. It would foster a low carbon economy which can guarantee a 50%+ reduction in emissions, a high growth economic development path and profers a climate resilient planet soon enough.



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