Solution for climate change

About Solution

Nowadays temperature of earth ? is increasing rapid.Many problems are arising because of this.The necessary steps which should be taken in order to solve the problems of climate crisis are:

1.Carbon-dioxide reduction:Carbon-dioxide should be reduced by replacing the use of non-renewable sources by renewable sources.

2.Tree? plantation:Tree plantation is a must to solve the problem of climate crisis.It'll help in building the ozon layer of the earth ?.

3.Overpopulation control:It is very important in order to solve this problem.50 percent of the problem will be reduced if overpopulation is controlled

4.Least use of plastic:Plastics should be used as less as possible and used plastics should be reused.

5.Reuse:Use of reusable products should be increased.

6.Wastes:There should be a system to reuse factory wastes.

If above steps are taken climate crisis will be solved.



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