SoPa Tech

About Solution

Research has shown that Carbon dioxide is the most dominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere with 26%, this Carbon dioxide mostly come from vehicles. Statistics has also shown that 1.5 to 2 million people die annually globally due to lung related diseases caused by Carbon dioxide and the most affected people are those in urban cities. Africa is also home to one of the highly populated cities such as Lagos Nigeria which is at top of the rank as the highly populated city in Africa with 21 million dwellers, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Dar'es salaam Tanzania and Nairobi Kenya are also among the highly populated cities in Africa. This cities are prone to higher carbon emissions due to daily human activities such as the use of vehicles.

Therefore our solution to the challenge at hand is to design carbon free passenger vehicles that use renewable energy starting with Rickshaw taxis. Rickshaw or Tuktuk taxis are the most preferred and used mode of transport in the above mentioned cities due to their reliability and affordability. Our taxis will use the Photovoltaic cells (PVC) technology to power their batteries using the natural sun, their panels will be in-built on their rooftops. They will not only be eco-friendly but they will be affordable and safer to use than the already existing ones.



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