Sugar Coach

About Solution

Mainly there are two types of diabetes, T1D and T2D, the principal cause of the type 2 diabetes is realated with the diet and lack of of physical excersice.

SugarCoach app allows the user track values such as insulin, glycemie, carbs, activities and send it to the doctor in any way you want. Gather bluetooth devices, unify information and simplifies things offering the best user experience ever. With a highly gamified interface, requites with points, level up and actual rewards

In this moment, we are working in a new app version and the development of specific solution based of IoT to count carbs with the objetive that people can know the cantity of sugar they consume per day, and in funtion of this and others varibles like as activity and wieght can prevent their risk of develop type 2 diabetes.

As a consequence our solution promoting the consumition of healthy food. Our target user ia the family beacuse sugarcoach have a gaming interface that can be used for parents and children. After the validation, one of our goals is the implamention the use of sugarcoach in the schools by teachers and students for promoting a healthy food and reduce the eat of sugar and refined carbs.

In the presente our app is maily used for people with Type 1 Diabetes who needs insulin, measure blood glucose, count carbs and keep a journal with all these values to take it to the doctor as part of the consultation.

But in the future, we pretend sugarcoach will be the more convinient and multi-interface plataform for diabetes managemente and the nutrition tool for our families to motive a healthy life trouthg a healthy diet with less sugar and refined carbs.



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