Sustainable and healthy food for all

About Solution

Sustainability means being able maintain a particular process for a period of time. Food produced in an economical and social environment are true to sustain healthy food for the consumers. 1. The feasibility of sustainable food for healthy economy can be achieved by reducing green house gas emission. 2. The scalability of sustainable food for healthy economy can be achieved by increasing production of our economy farm produces which help in the increase in population of our local farmers. And also increase in the implementation of farm machines to increase processing of farm produce before exporting instead of importing other country farm produce which will be of great disadvantage to our next generation farm system. The distribution of the same farm produce will help in the sustainability of healthy food for the economy. The government should try as much as possible to put more effort to our own natural resources to help for the development of the country instead of going outside their mother land and investing in other country. The sustainability of food helps to conserve natural resources such as water and healthy soil and also helps to achieve economic growth.



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