Sustainable and Healthy Food for All

About Solution

ROYGBIV laboratory is a Nigerian in the process of getting accreditation for food analysis in a variety of matrices including; vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, fried and baked foodstuff, cereals, grains, honey, nuts, dry legumes, forage crops and seeds, Aflatoxins. petroleum and petroleum products, soil and sediment, organic and inorganic contaminants in water soil, sediment such Persistent Organic Pollutant and heavy metals in line with ISO 17025 2010, 17043 and ISO 17025 2015certification and we have to total number of staff ranging from myself, Chemist, mirobiologist, safety officer and secretary but we hope to engage more hands as we expand
  • PAHs, PCBs, PBDEs and HBCDD in fis



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