Sustainable Food Security for Vulnerable Households

About Solution

The solution address the challenge through the following, Conducting farmer group activities to increase crop productivity through the development and uptake of good agricultural practices (GAP), Training farmer groups in community seed production to ensure delivery of high quality seeds, Training farmer groups on conservation agricultural approaches incorporated into crop production systems, Facilitating farmers access to other profit increasing inputs including labour saving technologies, Training farmer groups on appropriate mechanization which is piloted and assessed for the main crops in the project, Conducting training on adaptive small scale research activities to address identified production constraints (crop micro-nutrients,), Training of the household mentored especially the youths on income generating activities (IGA), e.g. seed multiplication, and oxen-ploughing, providing contract agricultural services such as crop protection, marketing, transport, processing and others., Development of the capacity and skills of these market-oriented groups so as to move their business up the market and value chain, Conducting specialised training in entrepreneurship, market identification, and development, business planning, simple PHH improvement and financial management training.



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