Tempo Market

About Solution

Tempo Market is implementing the Circular Economy, which is defined as the regenerative system by design focused on keeping products, components, and materials at their highest value for as long as possible.

We give manufacturers the ability to rent their products sustainably and generate a greater revenue than selling, while also providing the end consumer product access at a lower cost. Our initial niche is camping equipment, products that are periodically used but are required for engaging in camping.

Manufacturers supply us their products for rental, they receive a rental revenue every time their product is rented out, receiving this revenue throughout the product's lifetime. The more durable a product, the more times it can be rented, encouraging the manufacturer to repair and maintain the products.

We manage the rental order demand, by partnering with campsites, we integrate the rental of camping equipment into their current booking software, encouraging people to rent the products they need for their stay rather than purchasing them. Our solution builds the technology and logistics to offer products as a service.

We have identified a number of markets to which we can apply our easy rentals and help shift manufacturing to a more circular model.



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