The Electric ‘Boda-Boda’ motorcycle

About Solution

Unlike in the USA, the lowest means of public transportation are motorcycles locally referred to as “Boda-Boda” licensed to carry one passenger. The Status Quo is how much more harm than good is being done by these machines through pollution of the environment by toxic exhaust fumes.

The “Boda-Boda’s” are not manufactured in Uganda, but shipped in, ‘All ready used’ from Asian Countries. After a few years of Operation, these motorcycles start to emit exhaust fumes, above the average level which tends to increase twofold. With about 120,000 motorcycles in the capital city,Kampala, alone, we can only imagine the tons of exhaust fumes released in the city, and the country at large.

This is where our Solution of Electric motorcycles is applied. Gradually replacing the ‘fuel-powered’ motorcycles with ‘electric’ motorcycles would immensely regulate the carbon footprint not only in Uganda, but world wide as well, since they would not emit exhaust fumes and would utilize clean energy, such as but not limited to electrical and solar energy.

This would halt the exploitation of Forest resources for wood fuel, which is the most used type of energy in Uganda, thus promoting steady growth of trees that have numerous known benefits to the environment.

In conclusion, we believe this an affirmative solution to the Challenge: Climate Change.



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