Trans Delivery

About Solution

With 1of every 5 dead been caused by poor eating habits,too many waste,poor food infrastructure and distribution systems, couple with poor synergy between verious food stakeholders provide a huge needs for healthy food to reach urbanites. Trans Delivery connects from farmers to restaurants and through her platform"trans restaurant" delivers healthy cooked foods from local restaurants to the urban population at affordable prices to the 57% of both upper and middle class and the 43% lower class using her mobile app: Trans Delivery and on th go delivery agents. The enabling partnership between Trans Delivery with restaurants and restaurants with local farmers helps to build a sustainable food delivery system to always supply food to urban population. Through this solution,the urban population eats healthy meals at home, offices from local restaurants,which leads to direct demand of farm products thus increase in farm produftions and the system continues in a cycle and fan be replicable in other areas with the likes of Uber eat,grubhub, delivery hero etc.



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