
About Solution

Refugees will be given ID cards, which can be used for a variety of services which otherwise they can’t easily afford. There will be an application scanner for IDs and a website that will act as a platform for humanitarian services to unite and collectively participate in helping the refugees meet their needs. In addition, people around the world can also donate to the refugees through the platform. Platform will be more like News feed where information appears same moment when it is entered into platform without administrators approval.

ID scanners would be used in public commodities such as schools, hospitals, public kitchens, pharmacies, and so on. If the person doesn’t have enough money to pay for basic services, the ID is scanned for authorization and the data of the service is entered into the website, along with a request for the required amount of money. Humanitarian organizations can then facilitate the allotment of required resources and/or funds through this platform, thus causing them to unite to help the refugees.

For example, if refugee children need clothes, books and stationery for school, then the school makes an entry into the website which would alert organizations worldwide the exact amount of money needed, and any other resources required. The organizations can then donate the money or arrange for the shipment of resources to the children in question. Similarly, in healthcare, the hospital or clinic scans the ID of a refugee, and if they don’t have enough money to pay for their healthcare, then an entry is made into the website, where an organization can donate the amount needed, or a rich person can contribute a donation directly via website to institution that entered their data and requested valid help.

This provides an opportunity for utilizing resources in the best way possible; if some countries have a surplus in some resources and supplies, this platform can alert them, and a shipment is then made to the region where that resource is needed.

The prize money can be used to initiate the making of online platform and also printing IDs.



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