Advancing Rural Progress for rural development and Wealth Creations

About Solution

We are currently faced with issues of negative impact of climate change which threatening human existences and our environment , hence the introduction of climate smart agriculture and forestry farming in our rural communities. Africa is home to organic farming until other economy came to infused foreign agricultural technologies into our systems.

On the African continent, women and youth are faced with mass unemployment and high poverty rate, hence our sustainable organic farming technologies targets rural women and youth in production of healthy food, development of rural cottage factories for value addition.

We are helping to address rural urban migration of women and youth from rural to cities for non existent jobs and migration through the desert for greener pastures in Europe of which many do not make it.

We are helping to address rural infrastructural development by helping to initiate development of some basic amenities and infrastructure for better rural lives through integrated sustainable organic farming technologies.

Our technology marries conservation and environmental management practices to mitigate climate hence planting mass trees for sustainable farming technologies. As many livelihoods depends on the establishment of forestry.

We are introducing an innovative technologies that recycles domestic and agricultural wastes to grow healthy food and sustain our environment. Grow more forest covers for our agricultural practices, since over 1.6 billion people depends on the forest resources for livelihoods, for research, for biodiversity and for agroecological farming.



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