Food is a basic human need. Our goal at Yenfarm is to improve how food is delivered to urban communities in Africa, and its quality. Online platforms are popular in urban communities in Africa. Our platform will allow people to order farm-fresh food from the comfort of their homes. Most online farmers' markets similar to ours are in the business of buying, selling and delivery of food. Our goal is to be more than that. Our goal is to a lifestyle brand, by introducing a healthy lifestyle program and health club to encourage patrons to commit to eating healthy food continuously. Through our healthy lifestyle program, we will be providing them information about healthy diet regimens, healthy food recipes, workout tips and access to nutritionists and personal trainers. Through the Yenfarm Health Club we will form a community of people who support each other to stay healthy. Based on the level of membership one chooses, products purchased from us will come with varying discounts and freebies. We won’t only be selling products. More importantly we will be selling a lifestyle.
We plan to grow our services over time to include sourcing raw materials for small and large food processing companies, providing infrastructure that helps farmers to structure their businesses and provide funds to help them grow their businesses, creating an investment option which will allow people to support and benefit from agriculture by investing in farms throughout Africa, and a youth club that encourages young people to take an interest in agriculture.