The DUFMA as an agritech service, link and transfer information among 3 major stakeholders in the Agricultural value chain. This information helps the parties involved take precise action towards improving the productivity that is inherent in the sector, it helps build intra-sector partnership between stakeholders and also improve the overall standard of living of the farmer responsible for production.
The DUFMA service include Training, financial service, strategic operation of established farm, Consultation and co-management services. All this service have been aligned to ensure that farmers are given the maximum attention that is deserving of their contribution to food security.
The DUFMA therefore contribute meaningfully to the sustainability of production and much more enlightenment of farmers on the need to put health of the consumer in mind when producing. Through our platform and extension agent activities, we have become engaged in sensitizing our farmers on health conscious practices during production, such as the cautionary use of agricultural chemical to aid sustainable production.