In Nigeria, poverty, malnourishment, poor protein supply, and high cost of meat production are all interconnected. My solution will teach women to reduce cost of meat production by using less antibiotics and more herbal remedies. They will be encouraged to start small and provided with the means to do so. They will also be provided with transportation to market and marketing opportunities.
If 100 households produce, for instance, 100 chickens every month at minimal costs, that is 10,000 extra chickens/protein in the market, and extra sources of income for 100 homes.
With time, they'll be able to raise even more chickens as they'll be mandated to plough back their proceeds.
Layers can also be raised for egg production. This will reduce poverty in homes while at the same time, increasing food supply.
These women will then be taught to recycle the byproducts of their poultry, by using their droppings to raise fish and/or black soldier fly larvae.
As these women are liberated from poverty and hunger, they'll be able to assist and mentor other homes.