Empowering Artisans with Disabilities in Pakistan

About Solution

The proposed solution seeks to complement ongoing interventions through i) capacity-building of Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) to work with Artisans with Disabilities, ii) development of market linkages and financial access for Artisans with Disabilities, and iii) engaging universities to conduct evidence-based research on identification of employability and financial barriers for Artisans with Disabilities in Pakistan. Specifically,the following outcomes would help in achieving the intended goals/objectives:

  • At least three (3) DPOs from the targeted locations are capacitated to independently facilitate interventions for Artisans with Disabilities in their catchment areas;
  • Artisans with Disabilities are linked with at least five (5) prospective employers/clients for creating employment/self-employment opportunities;
  • Artisans with Disabilities are linked with at least two (2) micro-financeinstitutions having national/regional-level outreach; and
  • At least one (1) comprehensive evidence-based studyconducted on identification of employability and financial barriers for Artisans with Disabilities in Pakistan.

The proposed outcomes are anticipated to contribute towards the following social change factors:

  • Artisans with Disabilities are able to contribute as productive members of their respective communities and thereby gain social acceptance via progressive attitudinal change;
  • Artisans with Disabilities are able to generate sustainable, meaningful means of livelihood through engaging with the formal economy;
  • Artisans with Disabilities are able to leverage formal financial services independently to promote financial inclusion.



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