It's a known fact that an healthy society is a wealthy society, the productivity of a man is proportional to the health status of him which is in proportion to what he consumes. Over the years there has been a serious challenge in food security in Nigeria propelled by negligence of our heritage, that which we are known for which is agriculture. This has escalated to increase in unemployment, increase in price of food, low revenue and low standard of living.
Vegetables and fruits are essential food required for proper functioning of the brain and other sense organs. This is needed to have a healthy being that can think, embark on innovative research and proffer solution to the problem of humanity which is the core mandate of our educational institutions. It is pathetic that these young minds in our institutions lack nutritional food that can enhance their healthy being due to it unavailability or exorbitant prices.
This solution seeks to address this problem by establishing the Society of Entrepreneurs ( SOFENT) student wing farm in our various tertiary institution. The solution seeks to utilize the available and unused cultivable lands in our institutions to cultivation of vegetables and fruits. The entire manpower requirements will be mainly students who are interested in taking up agriculture as a career and at the same time want to be exposed to various opportunities embedded in agricultural sector.
The solution also aimed at supporting financially challenged but hardworking student through the provision of stipend from the money realized from the scheme. The targeted consumers are the entire institution community who can at their ease walk to the farms and gets their desired fruits and vegetables at affordable prices
These we believe will go a long way in solving nutritional deficiency, health risks, and at the same time provide income opportunities and actively engaged our teeming youth.
We humbly request the foundation to consider our application and provide the needed support in actualizing this goal.