Getting the value across

About Solution

How can a lumberjack from Scandinavia help support rural schools in Africa, with his logs? How can a firefighter in London support climate change research, with the fire engine? How can a musician in Australia support a startup in Argentina, with the music? A lot of people might occasionally want to support a cause that they believe in? But how can we get the value of the supporter not only across distances but also across products and usability?

With this mindset, could we start with food? If 1 liter of milk came in 950 mL of big gallon + 50 mL of small box, maybe some people would actually want to share the box with some organization that could take charge of getting 'maybe not the exact product' but the same value across places, or it would be much easier to get it nearby. But using the small box, we can remind and encourage people that they can sometimes contribute to support other people. Now this might sound a little crazy: If there's an option that I could contribute 1 fry from my bag of fries I ordered at a restaurant, I could probably do that. If the restaurant can sincerely take into account the number of people who choose to do that and cook the equivalent of amount of potatoes for homeless shelter, that would be incredible. But we could do that couldn't we?



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