- Green farm Enterprise will specialized more on large scale production of fresh grow out table size catfish (weighing between 1kg-3kg) and neatly smoked dry fish that will be accessable and affordable by the masses. And in other to make it morTHE BENEFITS OF MY PRODUCT ANDe affordable, we will specifically be hatching and breeding our own fingerlings and juveniles.we make sure that good and reliable species of catfish are been used for breeding to enable a high quality growth rate.
- My business will meet the needs and demand of both the rich and poor, majorly those living in villages and cities will have easy access to our goods. There are over 190.9 million people in Nigeria who are ready to access our packaged products. The demand for fingerlings and juveniles is unimaginable and even the international market await our products and services.
- My product will also create a direct and indirect employment for the youth around, in the aspect of direct employment, green farm will employ at least 10 personnel for a start. And in the aspect of indirect employment, people are been trained in the marketing aspect and therefore been placed on commission, two naira is been given for every fingerlings or juveniles that any customer that comes through the individual
Statistics shows that Nigerians consumes 3.2million metric tons of fish every year with 85% representing 2720,000 metric tons imported. Nigeria is one of the world's largest importers of fish. Nigeria spends U.S.$1 billion on fish importation every year. This shows that the demand and the market for fish is huge,and the growing population 3.2% annually. The market will continue to trend upward.The competition for fish farming in Nigeria is almost at 0%, this is because the demand for the product and service in recent years has surpassed the production level nation wide. As it stands presently in Nigeria, couple with the experience we have heard so far, no matter the amount of fish you produce in the farm, especially fingerlings, juveniles and table sized, it's never enough for the consumers out there. And this is because of the rapid growth of the nation population and the vast awareness of the important of protein to the human body.
The consumers will keep coming after our product for the following reasons.The quality of our catfish that is, the fingerlings, juveniles, table size and as well our smoked fish is of high quality. In other to maintain a high level of consistency in the quality of these products, and in other to distinguish our product from our competitors, peradventure if there's any at all. we specifically make sure that certain species such as (Hetero-clarias) that has a natural high growth rate and high level of adaptability is used for breeding in other to ease up the use of chemicalized feed in the grow out process.
Our prompt delivery service as people can order their bulk purchase of fish and derivatives on line.
Word of mouth from satisfied customers and online marketing through the company website with a blog, social marketing like Facebook page and advertisement will be made available for people to hear and see.
Free seminar and sensitization on the value of animal protein will be made available for our customers.
Direct selling to individuals, retailers and wholesale traders will be made effective and constant according to demand. And as it stands at the moment, we have an already made market or rather a quarterly Fixed market within our reach that is valued around 4.500,000 million